23 October 2007

Nexense Ltd. Some sensors.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea and snore monitoring.

SleePure Plus monitor.
Offline detailed analysis of snores during the night.
Sensor A - husband, Sensor B - wife.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea monitoring.

SleePure plus. Sleep apnea events offline analysis.
20-minutes time blocks.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea and Snore monitoring.

SleePure device. Sensor A.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea and snore monitoring.

Examples of the sleep apnea analysis.
Channel 1 - wife, Channel 2 - husband.

16 October 2007

Nexense sensor detection validation

SleepLab Snore Detection Validation

The validation used polysomnography as the golden standard for detection of snoring events with a calibrated microphone. The subject underwent a short polysomnography examination. During the examination, the Nexaver TM SleePure sensor was placed below the subject's mattress.
The data from both sources was recorded and compared simultaneously.

Figure 01 – Illustrates that the detection of the snore activity by the Nexaver TM SleePure System Corresponds with the high level detection associated with the Golden Standards Polysomnography Microphone.

Figure 02 – Describes the high sensitivity of the microphone technique miscellaneous acoustic noise false detection of snore versus the SleePure System that is not affected by acoustic noise.

12 October 2007

Nexense has been awarded U.S. Patent No. 6,621,278


U.S. patent awarded for precision measurement method and device.

August 4th, 2004

Nexense has been awarded U.S. Patent No. 6,621,278 for its unique method of measuring predetermined parameters, such as temperature, acceleration, pressure, distance and other physical entities.
The patent, titled "High-Precision Measuring Method and Apparatus," can be applied across a variety of industries including health, communications, aviation, space, defense and automotive.
"Traditionally, the cost of a sensor system would increase in direct proportion to higher precision and sensitivity," said Arik Ariav, CEO and president, Nexense. "As a result of our patent and our core technology platform, Nexense can now develop sensors and sensor-based systems...

Nexense Sensor Test.

Sensitivity test. Nexense Sensor monitors apnea, respiration and heart rate over four mattresses.

11 October 2007

Nexense Ltd. Anti - snoring sensor.

SleePure - A new non-invasive sensor technology reduces snoring
Ilan Gur M.D , Arik Ariav PhD , Arik Eisenkraft M.D

The Nexense Measurement Method
By applying the known principles of physics in a unique way, Nexense has managed to improve a measurement method, which has led to a means of improving a broad variety of sensors, used among other things to detect, recognize and discontinue snoring.
Nexense’s measurement method enables sensors to be designed so that they are up to

100,000 times more sensitive than current sensors.

The Nexense measurement method enables many different physical parameters to be more accurately measured. Specifically, they have been shown to provide a significant improvement over traditional sensors for the following physical parameters: distance, weight, strain, pressure, acceleration, temperature, vibration, volume, viscosity, density, mass, displacement, flow, torque, shape, tilt, and more.
Snoring has been found to increase in frequency with age. Snorers are commonly overweight and frustrated by the social consequences of their noisy night-time resonance. Sleep disordered breathing including habitual snoring is associated with hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and daytime sleepiness.
Using the non-invasive Nexense technology (The SleePure ) we have tried and managed to reduce dramatically the amount of snoring in a matter of days. (Figure 1)

Figures 2: shows data recorded during sleep, which includes heart rate, respirations, movements, and snores. The sensor is placed under the mattress and records the user’s movements, heart rate, respiration and snores. It allows the evaluating of the amplitude and rate of these indexes in detail. The highly accurate sensing method enables us to identify the different components, in a way that once the sensor documents the vibration of a snore, a vibrator starts to shake around the wrist of the person. The shake is gentle enough not to bring the person to full consciousness, yet he stops snoring. During the last years we performed sleep studies on 30 patients known as "snorers" during 500 nights all together.

Figure 3 shows the number of snore's episodes during 5 days with and without the SleePure system.
We succeeded to achieved a dramatic reduction in the number and the intensity of snores.
We conclude that by using the Nexense SleePure system we can reduce the number and duration of the snoring episodes and improve the quality of sleep in the snoring population and we will soon perform a controlled study to prove it.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea


A New Effective Non-Intrusive Alternative Treatment for Sleep Apnea .
Currently, Sleep Apnea is treated with a CPAP. This device is known to be a very uncomfortable and cumbersome piece of machinery that causes a significant number of apnea patients to refrain from complying with their doctor’s orders in wearing the CPAP mask. A long list of common problems supplied by CPAP users discourages many people of using it despite the fact that these people are aware of their need to use it.

The Break Through:
Nexense has developed an effective and unique system for treating sleep apnea that uses biofeedback methodology. This system does not change the user’s habits, the user does not have to wear any mask on his face and the user’s quality of sleep may also be upgraded as the system is capable of treating the common sleep disturbance closely related to sleep apnea known as snoring.

Additional Advantages:
The Nexense product can also be used as a home sleep lab system where the user can get his/her sleep analyzed in the comfort in his/her own home without being connected to any electrodes. This allows for a thorough examination over time which can result is a more accurate diagnosis of the user’s true sleep problem . Nexense has also developed the software needed for automatic screening and sleep analysis.

Business Opportunity:
Nexense is looking for strategic business partners to promote its technology in this field and to collaborate with the right player in order to move forward in attaining FDA approval and for market distribution purposes.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep sensor.

10 October 2007

Nexense Ltd. Nexense sensor. SleepLab.

Nexaver Home SleepLab System

The Nexaver Home SleepLab System is a non-intrusive, efficient, trouble-free and convenient solution allowing for long term diagnosing of sleep quality and sleep disorder, set in the privacy of the natural home environment

The System is equipped with a thin pliable sensor pad that easily slips under any mattress, and a small interface box for auxiliary sensors.

The System has the capability to interface with a telemedicine center for immediate professional analysis or can be recorded on a removable memory unit for long term testing purposes.

The Nexaver Home SleepLab System Measures & Records:
- Heart Rate
- Respiration Rate
- Snoring Activity
- Apnea Events
- Relative Lung Volume
- Body Movement

- Non Contact Measurement
- Home Setting Environment
- Capabilities for Long Term Testing
- Cost Effective to User
- User Friendly
- Applicable for all Age Groups
- Compatible with Additional Diagnostic Equipment

09 October 2007

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea events examples.

Nexense Ltd.
SleePure Plus System.
Sleep Apnea examples.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea monitoring.

Nexense Ltd.
SleePure Plus System.
Somr sleep spnea events scenarios.

Nexense Ltd. Anti - apnea. Anti - snoring. User's Feedback unit.

Nexense Ltd.
Anti - Apnea and Anti - Snoring System.
User Feedback Device.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea. Sensor position in a bed.

Nexense Ltd.
Anti - Apnea and Anti - Snore device.

Nexaver SleePure Plus system monitors sleep behavior and outputs a gentle biofeedback upon apnea and snore detection, allowing users to learn how to reduce or cease apnea and snoring.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea scenarios.

Nexense Ltd.
Some Sleep Apnea scenarios, identified by the Nexense SleePure Plus.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea decreases by SleePure Plus.

Nexense Ltd.
User E, age 42.
Sleep Apnea events per hour without and with the Nexense Feedback Device.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea Histogram.

Nexense Ltd.
User YD, age 51.
Sleep Apnea events per hour without and with the Nexense Feedback Device.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep apnea monitoring examples.

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea monitoring examples