11 October 2007

Nexense Ltd. Sleep Apnea


A New Effective Non-Intrusive Alternative Treatment for Sleep Apnea .
Currently, Sleep Apnea is treated with a CPAP. This device is known to be a very uncomfortable and cumbersome piece of machinery that causes a significant number of apnea patients to refrain from complying with their doctor’s orders in wearing the CPAP mask. A long list of common problems supplied by CPAP users discourages many people of using it despite the fact that these people are aware of their need to use it.

The Break Through:
Nexense has developed an effective and unique system for treating sleep apnea that uses biofeedback methodology. This system does not change the user’s habits, the user does not have to wear any mask on his face and the user’s quality of sleep may also be upgraded as the system is capable of treating the common sleep disturbance closely related to sleep apnea known as snoring.

Additional Advantages:
The Nexense product can also be used as a home sleep lab system where the user can get his/her sleep analyzed in the comfort in his/her own home without being connected to any electrodes. This allows for a thorough examination over time which can result is a more accurate diagnosis of the user’s true sleep problem . Nexense has also developed the software needed for automatic screening and sleep analysis.

Business Opportunity:
Nexense is looking for strategic business partners to promote its technology in this field and to collaborate with the right player in order to move forward in attaining FDA approval and for market distribution purposes.

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